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Carmen Sanz Logo

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Purpose,  Fun  Joy  Change  Support  People  Love  Integrity  Commitment Community  Passion  Purpose Fun  Joy   


About Carmen Sanz

Pickleball changed my life and I believe it can also change yours. My purpose is to grow the sport I love and bring it to as many people as possible.

Every person deserves to experience all that Pickleball has in store for them.

Come and meet me at the court. I want to leave a mark on you that hooks you up to a powerful source of happiness.

Are you ready to experience the pickelball revolution? 

“It’s refreshing to have a strong leader in the pickleball world who runs programs so well and genuinely cares about the participants. I felt taken care of and like I was an important part of your program. That really means a lot to me, both as an athlete and a person". 

4.0 Tournament player, CA

Tournament player, CA



- Lafayette. CA -


- Walnut Creek. CA -

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